
Welcome to the Coast Guard Island Amateur Radio Club (CGIARC) – W6NMC/W2AIR/K4CG located on Coast Guard Island, in Alameda, CA.



2 thoughts on “Welcome”

  1. Kelly Vannett nett says:

    Good morning,

    My name is Kelly Vannett, I’m a Chief Electrician’s Mate on CGI, and also a general class license holder. A coworker and myself were walking on base and noticed your shack, my coworker is also a ham.

    I’d be very interested in joining your club, my experience with ham is limited but am eager to learn, and maybe help you with base access, or maintenance to the shack.



    1. Eric Simmons says:


      Sorry. Just saw this. Well, we are well beyond this point now as we have already made contact and you are a member of the club.


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