W6NMC 2018 operations

2 Comment News

Good day, all,

It’s been quite some time since we’ve posted anything new on our page.

Our next planned activity will be the USCG Auxiliary 79th birthday on October 20, 2018.  Many other stations will be on the air around the country.  We don’t have a specific set of frequencies that we’ll be working.  I suspect that we’ll be found on either 20M or 40M depending on time of day and propagation.

We hope to hear you on the air.

73 de Eric, KB6YNO

2 thoughts on “W6NMC 2018 operations”

  1. Hi Eric
    Hope you & the amateur station are doing well.
    It’s old news I guess but is the ham station in Petaluma still around?
    Anyway I’m fond of W2AIR as I was on the team that set up the station in building 400 at Governors Island after it was moved from Groton CT.
    I think I have some pictures somewhere…?!
    Hope to hear from you,
    73 StanA WB6LAI

    1. Eric Simmons says:

      Hey, Stan,

      Sorry for the late reply. No, the remnants of the ham station now belong to us at CGI. And, I think you mean building 500 the RM A School back in the day. That building has had several changes over the years. The shack was even moved at one point to the old house right near the front gate. That is now gone too. Anyway, there is no current ham station of any kind at TRACEN. We are working to remedy that.

      73 de Eric, KB6YNO

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